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"What an amazing gift you have, and if you have any spare time, I would be really interested to discuss it further with you."

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of York ( London Feb 1995)


“...During the making of Strange but True? We filmed a psychic at Dover Castle to see if he could detect the ghostly figures that several visitors had claimed to have witnessed. He wasn't able to single out any particular presence, but found a woman's name kept coming to mind. Soon after, we had a phone call from the assistant manager at Dover Castle. He'd watched our filming and was cynical of the stories. But now he was quite shaken. An Australian tourist [Annie], who could not have known about the psychic, had just reported seeing a ghost which gave her the very same name..."

Michael Aspel writing in the Foreward to the book accompanying the LWT Television Series - Strange But True? (London)


"The staff at Dover Castle, normally blasé to such stories, were stunned by this one. As Clive Boreham of English Heritage said "You could have knocked me down with a feather. It was amazing really. It sort of changed my attitude to the place."

Jenny Randles and Peter Hough writing about Annie at Dover Castle in the book Strange but True? (London)


"You have a beautiful energy surrounding you and you absolutely blew me away with what you shared with is so hard to find a true spiritually gifted person like yourself."

Sera (Brisbane 2004)


"At first I was pretty sceptical about this kind of thing but I thought it would be fun to get a card reading done. Annie immediately made me feel at ease and explained to me how Tarot cards and psychic readings actually work. I went away thinking none of what she said could possibly ever happen to me. But as I began ticking off the things as they occurred I was a little amazed. I soon realised the value of getting readings. I think the most valuable thing I get out of her readings is that it gives me a sense of control over my life. I can be prepared for what may happen in various situations and be ready to alter the outcome or at least my attitude to the outcome. I know Annies readings certainly help me take control of my life and help me decide which direction to take my life."

Wished to remain anonymous (London)


"Thanks again for your amazing reading, it has definitely put me on the path of health and motherhood."

Anonymous (Sydney)


".....since I had my session with you my life has really changed SO much. I really feel I have been healed & can actually get on with my life since you contacted Mum... I feel cleansed. My husband has also asked me to thank you so much....he has noticed a big change in me too."

Jo (Victoria)


" have had such an amazing impact on my life. Your support and guidance has helped me so much and I can't thank you enough. You are such a special person."

Anonymous (Brisbane)


"I just thought I'd email you to thank you soooooo much for what you did for myself and Mum. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and like I have been washed by a wave of relief."

Jo-Anne (Brisbane)


"I hope you know that you help people in a way that so many others can't."

Anonymous (Brisbane)


"Dear Annie, I just wanted to jot a quick note to say thank you for the time you spent with me on Saturday. I have found some peace and a lot of strength to say how I feel. I think I have surprised a couple of people. I know this is only the beginning and although I have found some answers, there are so many more questions....The lesson - You can't move forward until you deal with the past."

D. (Melbourne 2005)


"Dear Annie. Love your work! Thank you for being you - and the positive person you are! You re-affirm what I already knew and give me a feeling of comfort that I AM on the "right" path. Thanks."

Anonymous (Brisbane 2006)


"I just wanted to say thank you for our session, you really helped me see the light on things. Before I came to see you I was feeling confused, low and had a low self esteem. It has only been a few days since coming to see you but I already feel that you have put me on the right path and I have more confidence to go out there on my own again. I feel strong and confident and from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you. I will definately recommend you to my friends. You are an amazing lady. Thank you again."

N. (Australia)


"Thanks for removing the 'spirit' out my son's room. The day after I saw you he said 'the ghost has gone to see his friends'. He now feels comfortable in his room & sleeps in his bed 'most' nights..."



"Thank you so much for my reading today in Sydney. You were so accurate, you even used words and language that we (my daughters and I) have used within our current situation. Things have seemed unbelievable and have unfolded at such a speed it is mind-blowing. You've given me hope and courage. Thank you."

Anonymous (Sydney)


"Just wanted to say thank you so much for the fantastic reading you gave me last Saturday. I felt very positive after I left you and have been thinking over the things you said. I played the tape last night and have been letting the information settle, but it has given me a positive outlook for the future. Thanks again."

Louise (Brisbane)


"Dear Annie. I wish to humbly thank you for the spiritual reading on Wednesday. You "cut out all the crap" so to speak that is fed to us. Everything you said is making so much sense as each day goes by. I did not realize how long I was there until I was in the car. You've given me so much more clarity and more is happening as each day unfolds - much healing is still going on. My gratitude is immense. The simplicity with which you expressed everything is something I truly value. Blessings."

K. (Brisbane)


"Dear Annie. I can't thank you enough for the time you spent with me yesterday. It gave me great clarity & comfort to know that the situation I was in had a higher purpose for the both of us. I look forward to letting you know when Mr King of Cups arrives....but for now I'm content."

L. (Australia)


"Dear Annie. Just a small note of thanks and gratitude for the part you have played in my life since the passing of my husband. The 2nd reading you did for me has given me renewed courage to continue into the future. You truly have a remarkable gift which I have much respect for. I'm sure we'll see each other again in the future as I periodically seek your 'link' and guidance and insight. You truly do make a difference. Much affection."

T. (Queensland)

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